Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Scenes From a German Classroom

Scene 1:

Teacher: Make a circle.
Student 1: I’m next to Teacher. *wraps himself around Teacher’s leg*
Student 2: I’m next to Teacher
Student 3: I’m next to Teacher
*They both scramble for the spot. In the ensuing scuffle, someone inadvertently whacks Teacher squarely in the crotch*
Teacher: *Trying desperately to keep control* Everyone...just...sit...down.
 End Scene

Scene 2:
Child: *counting in German*
Teacher: English, please.
Child: *in German* Why?
Teacher: *also in German* Because it’s English class.
Child: *still in German* But I don’t want to lose my language.
Teacher: *in English* And I don’t wanna lose my patience, but here we are.
Child: *in German* What?
Teacher: *in German* Nothing.
Sometimes having students who can’t understand you is a blessing
End Scene

Scene 3:
*Teacher introduces system where students earn rewards for good behavior, including punctuality*
Teacher: ...so, if you earn 5 stars during the class, you'll get a reward.
The 3 Students Who Were On Time: Ooh. Cool.
*At the end of the class, Teacher is handing out rewards. 2 Tardy Students approach him*
TS1: Do I get a reward?
Teacher: Sorry. You only have 4 stars.
TS2: That's only one less.
Teacher: Too bad you were late. You could have had 5 stars.
TS1: It's Mira's fault. She said we should walk slow.
Teacher: That sounds like a bad idea. Too bad. Maybe you'll have better luck next week. *Walks away*
Moral of the Story: Sometimes showing is better than telling, and some folks have to learn the hard way.
End Scene

Scene 4:
Editor's Note: Same class one week later. Tardy Girl 2 is the aforementioned Mira.
Teacher: I have a special surprise for each of you, but you have to earn 5 stars to get it. I'll give you one star for being on time and one for having your book and being prepared.
Most of the Class: *On time and prepared*
Teacher: great. Now you just need 3 more.
*10 minutes later*
Tardy Girl 1: *enters* Oh. I forgot my book. *exits*
*5 minutes later*
*Tardy Girl 1 & Tardy Girl 2 enter*
*At the end of class, Teacher is handing out rewards*
TG1: Do I get one?
Teacher: No. You only had 4 stars. Sorry.
TG2: That's unfair.
Teacher: Well, it's not my fault.
TG2: Yes it is.
Teacher: I didn't tell you to be 15 minutes late. And if it ever happens again, I'm calling your parents. *walks away*

End Scene

Scene 5:

Teacher: What's my name?
3yo: English Man
Teacher: My name is Aaron.
3yo: English Man
Teacher: Aaron
3yo: English Man
Teacher's Inner Monologue: Imma let you have this one, booboo. It's Friday, I still have 4 more classes to teach, and this is not a hill I wish to die on.

In other news, I now know what my superhero name would be.
End Scene

Scene 6:
Editor's Note: The following scene concerns the same child, 6 months later. He now thinks my name is English Teacher (Progress?) and is attempting to call me by my first name.

*Teacher is leading the class in a song.*
3 Year Old: I have to go to the bathroom
Teacher: Ok. Go.
*3yo exits to the bathroom*
*5 minutes later*
3YO: *From inside bathroom* English. English! ENGLISH!!!! 
Teacher: Yes?
3YO: I went caca.
Teacher: Okay...
3YO: Can you clean it?
Teacher: Um...no...You have to.
3YO: I can’t. I’m too small.
Teacher: *Opens door, gets a handful of toilet paper, & hands it to 3YO* Do the best you can. *Closes door*
End Scene

Scene 7:

Teacher: *sitting on the floor with a group of students*
Small Child: *sits on my lap*
Teacher: You can't sit there
Small Child: *farts, then gets up*
Teacher: *repeatedly reminds himself that he doesn't want to go to prison in Germany*

End Scene

Scene 8:

*Children are coloring. Teacher puts on a Taylor Swift song.*
Little Girl: I know this song.
Teacher: Oh yeah?
LG: This girl always throws boys away.
T: ...Yes. Yes she does.

End Scene

Scene 9:

7 year old: Is that a picture of you?
Teacher: yes it is.
7yo: It looks a lot younger than you.
Teacher: ...
Teacher's Inner Monologue: This is why I drink.

End Scene

Scene 9:

*Children are sitting on the floor in a circle. Little Boy moves to sit next to Little Girl 1.*
Little Girl 2: Why did you move?
Little Boy: I wanted to sit by LG1. She's my girlfriend. We've already kissed.
LG1: *giggles* Yeah.
LG3: He kissed me too.
LB: *giggles* Yeah
*And as if to demonstrate his prowess, LB jumps on LG1 and proceeds to kiss her*
Teacher: *grabs LB and pulls him off LG1* Easy, Romeo. Not during class.
****30 Minutes Later****
*LB tries to kiss Teacher*
Teacher: *sighs* I seriously don't get paid enough.
End Scene

Scene 10:

*Class is playing a game where Teacher calls a color, and the kids touch something that color.*
Teacher: Brown
Small Child: *Grabs my arm*
Well played, German child. Well played

End Scene

Scene 11:

Small Child: I had a fever this morning, and mama wanted me to stay at home, but I didn't want to miss English class.
Teacher: Aww. That's so sweet! *moves slowly away* You just stay right there. *moves farther away* You're getting all your assignments by airmail today, booboo.

*2 Days Later*

Teacher: *Cough*
End Scene

Scene 12:
Child: There’s a lot of gray in your beard. How old ARE you?
Image may contain: 1 person, eyeglasses

End Scene

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